Hadashi no Gen

Shinji, what did you say
to make Mother cry?

All I did was ask if I could
suck on the fish bones...

when she was done with them.
You're kidding.
You asked her that?

- Yeah, that was it.
- Idiot!

What was that for? How come
you're always hitting me?

Hurry up, Shinji. Come on.
You big bully, Gen. Father!
Eiko! Eiko!
Yes, Mr. Pak?
I brought a little something
for you and your family.

Take it.
- Rice!
- It isn't much.

Mr. Pak...
Thank you.
We sure did a good job getting
that carp, didn't we?

Yeah, Mother'll be
all better again in no time.

Hello, is anybody home?
Never thought that old grouch
would come to our house.

I bet he's gonna
tell Father all about...

how we tried to steal his carp.
Father'll get mad, won't he?
I had no idea. I'm sorry.
The boys will be punished, sir.
I assure you.

Oh, no, please.
You misunderstood me.

I didn't come here for that.
I admire the boys.
Such high spirits.

Such devotion
to you and their mother.

You have good sons there,

I envy you...
though I'm sure they're
quite a handful at times.

What'll we do?
What do you think?
Prepare to get hit.

He wouldn't do that, would he?
- There you are.
- Shinji.
