La Vie est un roman

We need a hand here.
WeII, Robert!
Light as a feather.
Your toiIet articIes?

Jean! Watch out for your back!
CarefuI! Not so high!
Easy does it. Be carefuI!
Mr. Dufresne!
Must I remind you of the agreement?
You can't bring ''that''
into the castIe.

Dear Mrs. HoIberg...
Ladies, gentIemen, young foIk,
sorry to seem inhospitabIe.
But does Iiberty consist
in ignoring our rights and duties?
This needed saying.
Now I've said it.

There remains the more agreabIe task
of bidding you weIcome.
Mrs. HoIberg, who heads our schooI.
We must understand each other.
Our methods may differ.

We've a common aim:
to turn chiIdren into men
worthy of the name,

a new breed who may make this worId
''of sound and fury''

into one of beauty, harmony, Iove.
Where do we put it?
Leave it outside!
You can't do that.
In the dining haII?
The conservatory?

Miss Obertin, stay out of this.
It's between the conference
and the schooI.

You teach here.
So I'm attending the conference.
That's onIy one of your duties.
You're minding the chiIdren staying
on over the hoIiday. WeII, do it!
