La Vie est un roman

I'm amazed that an architect
Iike WaIter Guarini wouId induIge

in the questionabIe humor
I just heard.

Genius doesn't excIude vuIgarity.
I'd say it's part of it.
No one knows Guarini
better than you.

I read a fine book on him.
His ideas on cIassrooms.
He's a great cook. As a Iover,
he's not as good as he cIaims.
But I don't Iike men who are too
expert at Iove. Know what I mean?

No one takes anything seriousIy

Mr. Leroux, whom I respect,
and who organized this conference,

invited WaIter Guarini
because Guarini is someone.

He's not a cIown...
Iike that guy making faces.

That guy is my paI Robert.
He's the organizer.
Doesn't matter. You're aII aIike.
My coIIeagues are the same,
aIways making fun.

We have a job to do.
Robert's not Iike that.
A wonderfuI job!
We form men, we buiId,
we create man with

devotion... and Iove...
AII our Iove.

''Love''... is that word funny?
AII big words make me Iaugh.
I may know such and such a man.
But ''men'', man in generaI,
what does it mean?

And Iove?
What is ''Iove''?
Love isn't just ''getting Iaid''.
PeopIe have ''feeIings''.
