Never Say Never Again

With your life on the line, you...
Well, your adrenaline gives you an edge.

Is your edge sharp? That's the difference
between a double-0 and a corpse.

Since you took over, sir,
you've had little use for the double-0s.

I've spent most of my time teaching,
- not doing.
- Oh, I'll make you no secret.

I hold your methods in much less regard
than my illustrious predecessor did.

But my duty is to keep you up to par.
Too many free radicals,
that's your problem.

- Free radicals, sir?
- Toxins that destroy the body and brain.

Caused by eating too much red meat and
white bread, and too many dry martinis.

- Then I shall cut out the white bread, sir.
- You'll do more than that, 007.

From now on, you will be suffering
a strict regimen of diet and exercise.

We shall purge those toxins from you.
- Shrublands?
- You've got it.

- Have you got an assignment, James?
- Yes. Yes, Moneypenny.

I'm to eliminate all free radicals.
Do be careful.
- Welcome to Shrublands, sir.
- Thank you.

My word. They don't make them
like this any more.

- It's still in pretty good shape.
- This way, sir.

Your body's got enough
scar tissue for an entire regiment.

- Right... But it's still in pretty good shape.
- We'll be the judge of that, Mr Bond.

Our job is not just to rehabilitate you.
It's to re-educate you.

I want to open your mind to the virtues
of nutrition, proper exercise, meditation

and, hopefully, spiritual enlightenment.
I'd like you to see the iridologist at four,
have a colonic at five
