Sans soleil

"Every protagonist represents only himself;
in place of a change in the social setting
he seeks simply in the revolutionary act the sublimation of his own image."

That's the way the breakers recede.
And so predictably that one has to believe
in a kind of amnesia of the future that history distributes

through mercy
or calculation to those whom it recruits:

Amilcar murdered by members of his own party,
the liberated areas fallen under the yoke of bloody petty tyrants
liquidated in their turn by a central power
to whose stability everyone paid homage until the military coup.

That's how history advances,
plugging its memory as one plugs one's ears.

Luis exiled to Cuba,
Nino discovering in his turn plots woven against him,

can be cited reciprocally to appear before the bar of history.
She doesn't care, she understands nothing,
she has only one friend,
the one Brando spoke of in Apocalypse: horror.

That has a name and a face.
I'm writing you all this from another world,
a world of appearances.

In a way the two worlds communicate with each other.
Memory is to one what history is to the other:
an impossibility.

Legends are born out of the need to decipher the indecipherable.
Memories must make do with their delirium,
with their drift.

A moment stopped would burn like a frame of film
blocked before the furnace of the projector.

Madness protects, as fever does.
I envy Hayao in his 'zone,'
he plays with the signs of his memory.

He pins them down and decorates them like insects
that would have flown beyond time,

and which he could contemplate from a point outside of time:
the only eternity we have left.

I look at his machines.
I think of a world where each memory
could create its own legend.
