Sans soleil

I took the measure of the unbearable vanity of the West,
that has never ceased to privilege being over non-being,
what is spoken to what is left unsaid.

I walked alongside the little stalls of clothing dealers.
I heard in the distance Mr. Akao's voice reverberating
from the loudspeakers... a half tone higher.

Then I went down into the basement where my friend
—the maniac—busies himself with his electronic graffiti.

Finally his language touches me, because he talks to that part of us
which insists on drawing profiles on prison walls.

A piece of chalk to follow the contours of what is not,
or is no longer, or is not yet;

the handwriting each one of us will use to compose his own list of 'things
that quicken the heart,' to offer, or to erase.

In that moment poetry will be made by everyone,
and there will be emus in the 'zone.'

He writes me from Japan.
He writes me from Africa.

He writes that he can now summon up the look on the face
of the market lady of Praia that had lasted only the length of a film frame.

Will there be a last letter?
