Something Wicked This Way Comes

('Jim.) Come on!
- Look, it's Miss Foley's house,
- Will,

Look, look, There,
Who's that kid she's got in there with her?
Don't you know, Will?
- What are you playin' at?
- I want to warn Miss Foley,

Don't you lie to me, Jim,
That's not what you want to do,

- You want to meet that,,, that,,, thing,
- ('rings bell)

No! No, oh, my gosh, Come on,
Land sakes, who is it?
My two little whisperers?

We wanted to see,,,
,,, if you were quite all right, Miss Foley,
Yeah, we were kinda worried,
That's very considerate of you boys,
I was just a little faint, I guess,

Why don't you step inside?
Come in, Will, come in,

My nephew Robert just arrived,
and I baked a whole batch of cookies,

Come in, Robert?
I'd like you to meet
my young nephew, Robert,

('clears throat)
- Miss Foley,,,
- Swell, Hi, Glad to meet you,

Miss Foley, we came to warn you,
- Warn?
- Yes,

He won't be in school Monday, He's sick,
- Oh?
- Yeah, See ya!
