Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Don't be so sure.
If I told you half the things
I've heard about this Jabba the Hutt...

you'd probably short-circuit.
R2, are you sure
this is the right place?

I'd better knock, I suppose.
There doesn't seem to be anyone here.
Let's go back and tell Master Luke.

Goodness gracious me!
I don't think
they're going to let us in, R2.

We'd better go.
R2, wait.
Oh, dear. R2.
R2, I really don't think
we should rush into all this.

Oh, R2!
R2, wait for me!
Just you deliver Master Luke's message
and get us out of here.

Oh, my!
Oh, no.
Oh, my.
We bring a message
to your master, Jabba the Hutt.
