Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

I get no reading. You sure?
Pull up! All craft pull up!
Take evasive action. Green Group,
stick close to Holding Sector MV-7.

Admiral, we have
enemy ships in Sector 47.

It's a trap.
Fighters coming in.
There's too many.
Accelerate to attack speed.
Draw their fire away from the cruisers.

Copy, Gold Leader.
Come, boy.
See for yourself.
From here, you will witness
the final destruction of the Alliance...

and the end
of your insignificant rebellion.

You want this...
don't you?
The hate is swelling in you now.
Take your Jedi weapon.
Use it.
I am unarmed.
Strike me down with it.
Give in to your anger.
With each passing moment
you make yourself more my servant.

It is unavoidable.
It is your destiny.
You, like your father...
are now...
