Sudden Impact

My game! My game!
You son of a bitch.

Come on, dickhead, fork over the bucks
before I kick your nuts up your nose!

I don't have any bucks, Ray.
I pissed it away.

And you? Pull something from
your pants besides your wet string.

I ain't got much.
We've been here all day...

...and they won't run us no more tab.
Give me it, twat-lips, or
I'll give your face its first period.

Want to go a couple of chugalugs
for some scratch?

- What about us?
- Suck my ass with a straw!

- How about it, Kruger?
- I'm out of here.

Shit, Kruger!
You're good for shit anymore.

What's happened to you?
Hi, cutie.
- Want to buy me a drink?
- Not today.

Come on, sailor. I know there's some
question you want to ask me.

Go ahead. You might get lucky.
Only with humans.
Looking for trouble, pal?
Looking for friends
of George Wilburn's.

- Are you a cop?
- What did he do?
