The Big Chill

There is no other music in my house.
There's been a lot of terrific music
in the last 10 years.

Like what?
How about you, Michael?
Tell us about bigtime journalism.

Where I work we have
only one editorial rule:

No writing longer than an average person
can read during an average crap.

I'm tired of having
my work read in the can.

People read Dostoyevsky in the can.
But they can't finish it.
This certainly is a familiar scene.
I'm feeling very guilty about it.
I'm happy to be here,
but I'm sick about the reason.

I'm going to bed.
I'm sorry.
We could talk about something else.

That's okay. I'm exhausted.
Good night, everyone.

I'll be up in a minute.
Good night, Sarah.
Harold, I'm sorry.
We all feel that way.
I forget what this is like.
In L.A., I don't know who to trust.
I feel like everybody
wants something from me.

I know that sounds terrible,
but it's true.

Tell me about it.
It's a cold world out there.

Sometimes I think
I'm getting frosty myself.

I don't know what people
think about me.

I don't know why they like me,
or even if they do like me.

You don't have
that problem here.

You know I don't like you.
Me either.
So relax.
I was just coming down.
