The Big Chill

When you're a mother you can be mean.
All right, you can do that.
Tell Carmelina I said it's okay.

I love you, sweetheart.
Daddy will call you later.

Sometimes I don't believe
what I hear myself saying.

So you came back from Vietnam...
... a changed man.
Well, why don't you just
tell everybody?

Then, in 1972...
... you returned to the University of

... to enter the doctoral program
in psychology.

But you couldn't seem to
finish that dissertation.

I could have. I chose not to.
I'm not hung up on
this completion thing.

Then you had many jobs,
all of which you quit.

What are you getting at?
I was evolving.

I'm still evolving.
But your real fame came
as a radio psychologist...

...on KSFO in San Francisco.
I wouldn't call it fame exactly.
I had a small...

...deeply disturbed following.
What are you doing...
Or I should say,
what have you evolved into now?

Oh, I'm in sales.
What are you selling?
I don't have to answer that.
We're leaving.
Have you seen Chloe?

We're on the air here.
Sorry, pal. Got to go.
Just answer that last question.
I said, "I've got to go."
