The Big Chill

"Friendship is the bread of life..."
Wait a minute!
"...but money is the honey."

It doesn't say that.
- You're kidding.
- That's great!

Even fortune cookies
are getting cynical!

It's pragmatic.

I think it's touching.
There's nothing I'd rather
do right now than make love to you.

When it's over...
...come into my life.
You and your kids
come out to L.A., move into my house.

There's plenty of room.
It's lovely, it's great.

I can't do that.
It has to do with Robin.
No, it's not that.
My marriage is completely over.

When Robin and I broke up,
I had a million good reasons.

A million things that
were wrong with her, wrong with us.

When I think back on it now...
...and see my daughter with her new
father, I realize what broke us up.

What really did it,
and I hate to admit it, even now.

What did it was...
I couldn't stick with it.
