The Outsiders

-What was that?
-Marcia's number.

Probably fake, too.
I must have been crazy to ask her.

Girl like that would never go out with me.
Where you going?

I've got a new hat.
You're crazy!
You never would have used
that busted bottle I gave you.

I might have. Where you headed?
I don't know. Maybe I'll go play snooker
or get drunk.

-I'll see you later!

I hate when my folks are fighting.
Let's go to the lot.

It was because we're Greasers.
Might have hurt her reputation
or something. Don't worry about it.

I guess so.
That was a tough car.
Mustangs, they're tough.
Big-time Socs all right.
It's always the same.
I can't take much more of this.
I'll kill myself or something.
Don't talk like that, Johnny.
You can't kill yourself.
