To Be or Not to Be

- Au revoir.
- I kiss your hand...

...for now.
Sweetheart, sweetheart, sweetheart.
So many hours with those Nazi censors!
And there's some more bad news.

They want us to cut out
the gypsy number.

It seems they don't like
gypsies either.

Let's face it, sweetheart...
...without Jews, fags and gypsies,
there is no theatre.

I know, I know.
That's what I told them.

But there's nothing,
nothing they're gonna do about it.

I'm so tired. So tired.
Sweetheart, I'm so tired.
You feel good.
When this war's over,
I'm gonna get you everything you need.

You need a coat.
You need a dress.

You need shoes.
And you need a shave.
A shave?
