To Be or Not to Be

Heil Hitler! I am Captain Schultz
of Colonel Erhardt's staff.

- Professor Siletski isn't here.
- I know that.

I will wait.
- But he may not be back all night.
- I will wait.

They say it's going to be
a cold winter.

I don't know anything about that.
Professor Siletski, your key.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

- Good night.
- Night.

- Professor Siletski?
- Yes.

I'm Captain Schultz
of Colonel Erhardt's staff.

Pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Professor Siletski,
I'm so glad you're back.

Ah, Madam Bronski.
I thought you'd be gone.
I'm delighted you're here.

You didn't leave word at the desk.
They wouldn't let me out.

Now that you're back, I don't regret
I waited. How is Professor Siletski?

Absolutely dead.
It's been such a long day.
- Professor, Colonel Erhardt...
- I'm to see him tomorrow at 10 a. m.

No. There's been a change.
He's expecting you now.

- Now?
- Now. Those are my orders.

I see. Before I go, would you mind
stepping out for a moment?
