Trading Places

Hello. I'll be making a cash withdrawal
for the amount of $500.

In fact, make it $1,000.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry, Mr Winthorpe,
but the IRS has frozen your accounts.

What? You know me.
You're a heroin dealer, Mr Winthorpe.
It wasn't heroin, it was angel dust - PCP
and I never touched it.

Regardless, it's not the kind of business
we want at First National.

May I see your credit cards please?
- I've been ordered to repossess them.
- What?

Wait, what am I supposed to live on?
What's going to happen to me?

Why is someone
deliberately trying to ruin my life?

Tell you what. Forget about the $50, OK?
I'm just real tired. I'm going home.
You've got to believe me.
You must believe me.

I have been framed.
You can't just leave me here.

I've got enough problems, Louis.
Come on, come on.
Listen! Wait!
I have over $150,000 in that bank.
But you don't care because
you helped them do this to me.
