Under Fire

Oh. that"s great.
l like it.
* Spring is here. no mistakin"
Well. l just got off the boat.
Give me the scoop on Nicaragua.

Well. about 60 years ago.
the US marines invaded

to protect American business interests.
Put down a small peasant revolt led by a
very small man named Augusto Sandino.

No. no. no. l don"t mean the peasant stuff.
l mean the real stuff.

Come on.
Well. there are two kinds of beer:
Tona and Victoria. Victoria"s better.

And two... watch out for Miss Panama.
Hot. hot. hot. but don"t touch.
She belongs to Tacho.
El presidente has said that if he catches
anybody with her. he will cut off his...

- Pecker?
- Right. And throw it in Lake Managua.

* l know the tune
This is love. this is it

You"re gonna love this war. There"s
good guys. bad guys. and cheap shrimp.

And Alex singing in the background.
We"ve gotta get alone somewhere.
* Around the New Year
* Now it"s safe for lovers just to go
Jesus. he"s doing that on purpose.
Alex is one of the world"s experts
on military strategy. you know.

* Spring can really hang you up the most
- Price!
- Regis.

Congratulations on the African snaps.
