Under Fire

How in the hell could Tacho find Rafael?
Russel. please. l have my hands full.
That"s fine right there.
ls Tacho lying again?
They did kill him. didn"t they?

What do l know?
Tacho needs a victory very badly.
He needs to prove to Jimmy Carter
that he is still winning.

The death of Rafael is the proof he needs.
Carter doesn"t need proof. He just sent
25 million in new arms to Tacho.

No. no. He didn"t.
The State Department is getting nervous
about what is going on down here.

En el sol, por favor.
Pardon my French.
but whose fucking side are you on?

- l work for everybody.
- That"s a great job.

l send messages to Jimmy and l tell him
that the revolution is a flood

which cannot be stopped.
but it can be controlled.

Nobody listens to me.
l can"t even get a little water in my pool.
(Miss Panama giggles)
Would you switch sides. please?
For just one more.

That"s very nice. very nice. Thank you.
l think Rafael is alive. l"m gonna find him.
Thank you very much.

- There"s the guy we"re lookin" for.
- Terrific.

Go one more block.
Oh. shit! l"m not gonna die in Matagalpa.
