Vierde man, De

Have you had a drink yet?
No, not yet. Who is the lady
that keeps fllming me?

Oh, our treasurer.
May l introduce you?

Christine Halslag.
She'll give you your fee afterwards.
Get Mr. Reve a drink,
l've got to collect the cards!

You flatter me. All that fllm footage...
Yes, l thought: such a celebrity
is not going to escape me.

...that doesn't buy you
a square meal in Holland.

- ls it that bad?
- Worse.

The 250 you're paying me for this
is a windfall.

- Would you autograph your book?
- Sure.

l'll get you a drink.
l loved your talk.
- Good. Buy my other books too.
- l certainly will.

This is on the house.
Tomato juice?
A bloody Mary with lots of vodka.
The bartender has a liberal hand.

But l'm not a drinker,
the odd glass of wine...

- l'll get you a soft drink.
- Leave it, l'll make do with this.

Are you going back to
Amsterdam tonight?

Depends on the number of questions,
if l can catoh the train.

We've booked you into a hotel,
just in case.

l hate hotel rooms,
they're like torture chambers.

But it's the best hotel in town.

There it is.
Anything wrong?
lt's flrst class.
VlP's always stay there.

A hotel to hang yourself in.
