
General, we know they're fine men,
but in a nuclear war we can't afford

to have missiles
lying dormant in those silos

because those men refuse to turn
the keys when the computers tell 'em to!

You mean when
the president orders them to.

The president will probably follow
the computer war plan. That's a fact!

I imagine the Joint Chiefs
will have some input.

- You're damn tootin'.
- Well, hell...

In a surprise attack, there's no time.
23 minutes from warning to impact.
- Six minutes if it's sub-launched.
- Six minutes.

That's barely enough time
for the president to make a decision.

Once he makes the decision,
the computer should take over.

Now, sir, I know that you've got
a plane waiting for you,

but if you could indulge me,
I'd like to show you something.

These computers give instant access
to the state of the world.

Troop movements, Soviet
missile tests, weather patterns.

It all flows into this room,
and then into the WOPR computer.

- WOPR? What is that?
- War Operation Plan Response.

This is Mr Richter.
Paul, would you like to tell
these gentlemen about the WOPR?

Well, the WOPR spends all its time
thinking about World War Ill.

24 hours a day, 365 days a year,
it plays an endless series of war games

using all available information
on the state of the world.

The WOPR has already fought
World War Ill, as a game,

time and time again.
It estimates Soviet responses
to our responses

to their responses, and so on.
Estimates damage. Counts the dead.
Then it looks for ways
to improve its score...

The point is that the key decisions
of every option have already
been made by the WOPR.

So all this trillion-dollar hardware
is really at the mercy

of those men with the little brass keys?
