
as His Holiness Pope Pius Xl...
tries to swat the intruder
with his sacred decree.

The faithful can't believe it.
It is, of course, Zelig.
He's returned
to the United States...

by ltalian authorities...
and readmitted
to Manhattan Hospital.

I welcome this opportunity
to treat Leonard Zelig...

now that he is back
as a ward of the hospital.

I'm grateful the board
has given me this chance.

I sincerely hope
to return him to society...

a useful,
self-possessed citizen...

no longer a curiosity
with no life of his own.

Dr. Fletcher has no time now
to think of marriage.

All her attention must be
devoted to Leonard Zelig.

Her plan is to bring him
to her country home.

She will set up a neutral
environment away from society.

She will begin searching for
some new way to treat him...

in the hopes of penetrating
his unique malady.

Aware of the significance
of her work...

Eudora Fletcher arranges
to keep a filmed record...

of the proceedings.
For this, she contacts
her first cousin Paul Deghuee...

an inventor
and part-time photographer.

She said, "I want to make
a record of this case...

"for future generations
and the world of science.

"I want you to keep
the camera very quiet."

I said, "Why not just
take notes and write it up?"

She said, "Paul, when a man...
"changes his physical
appearance, you want to see it.

"You can't read about it.
"Besides which,
I am planning to make history."

The white room
is carefully arranged...

for maximum serenity.
It is a small study
in Dr. Fletcher's house...

sparsely furnished.
Clumsy photographic lights
are nailed to the wall...

to provide
sufficient illumination.

Microphones are hidden
in specially selected places.
