Against All Odds

Not that it's any great loss, but....
Jake Wise planted
something up in his office...

:40:10 frame me.
I didn't find it in time.
They're all bastards.
-All of them.
-Look, Edie, I need your help.

You worked with Kirsch
for a long time.

You'd knock the hell out of them.
What do you mean?
I don't know what Jake planted.
But Kirsch kept a tiny treasure
chest that could blow everybody up.

I shouldn't be this drunk.
Listen, if the booze helps....
I can't believe this is my life.
Where was this box?
I'd be too scared to do it.
You worked for Kirsch. You knew
most of what he knew.

Edie, they'll kill you too.
Edie, help me.
-But it means....

Going back there.
To Kirsch's office.

There shouldn't be a dog here.
Who the hell are you?
I worked for Kirsch.
You must be the one
who unemployed me.
