
How you doin'?
You the new kid?
I'm talking to you.
Where'd your tie go?

I thought only pansies
wore neckties.

Oh, yeah? See that? I thought
only assholes used the word pansy.

- He got you on that one!
- Shut up!

Son of a bitch
is gonna pay for that!

Either you got jumbo coconut balls,
or you're really pretty stupid.

- Who was that douche bag?
- He's a weasel, but watch your back.

- Can you operate a palette jack?
- Uh-uh.

- How 'bout a bag closer?
- Uh-uh.

- Where are you from?
- Chicago.

You're not stupid, are you?
You trying to piss me off?
Boy, a lot of folks are gonna
give you problems right off...

because you're an outsider.
You're dangerous. They're always
gonna worry about ya.

Screw 'em. And this is only one
little corner of the world.

Start Thursday?
Sounds okay.
Oh, hi, Ariel.
Chuck Cranston wants to see you.
Meet him the back
of his daddy's field tomorrow...

What happens tomorrow at 5:30?
- You'll have to show up to find out.
- And if I don't?

People will know you're scared.
