
We're not living in the goddamn
Middle Ages. We got TV, Family Feud.

We're not stuck in
Leave It to Beaver land here.

Well, I haven't noticed
a wet T-shirt contest in town yet.

I haven't either,
but I'm waiting patiently.

I tell you what I'd like to do.
Glue a Playboy centerfold inside
each of Reverend Moore's hymnals.

Yeah, you know what else
we could do?

We could start one of your
nightclubs right in the church.

That's it.
That's it, man.

What's it?
A dance.
- What?
- A dance!

We could have a dance!
You know, a dance?

- You know what I mean! Dance! Dance!
- You're gonna get me angry!

Gonna turn this town upside down!
Stop it!
I was down in Denver last year...
for about a week
at a Bible convention.

And the whole time I was there,
people would come up...

and ask me, "Reverend, how can
you live in such a small town...

so far away from the hustle
and bustle of the 20th century?"

I'd say to them,
"You'd never ask me that...

if you could just once,
just for one minute...

experience the feeling of family
that comes from knowing...

that all of our lives
are tied up with each of us.

That we feel all the same joys...
the same sorrows,
and that we care.

Each and every one of us cares
for the other. "

I told them...
"I just feel closer
to my Lord out there.

And I feel closer...
and safer with my people...
and I think they feel closer to me.
The Lord smiles on us out there.
And that's why I'm staying. "
