Kaze no tani no Naushika

Please forgive the terrible treatment.
Nausicaa, over here! Hurry!
Thank you, everyone!
Sorry I was late.
Can you fly from here? I'll try.
The corvette!
Retreat! Hurry, into the clouds!
Cease fire!
Idiots! It's a turbulent, electric hell in those clouds.
It's no use! We can't steer!
The ship is breaking up!
Everyone, we have no choice! Let's get out of the clouds and fight.
They anticipated us!
Damn. What are they trying to do?
The clouds! They're going to force us onto the clouds and board!
They're coming! This is your last chance to leave.
I can't! I'll stay behind, too! I can't just leave that girl or your
mother behind and go!

You're the only one who can save the Valley!
Please go! Go for us!
