Loufa kai parallagi

-Your name is reaIIy Caramazov?
-Caramanos is my name!

Guard! A new one!
Hi, oId-timer!
-What time is reveiIIe here?
-Any time now.

-You here?

Son of a bitch,
you did it!

Look who's here!
What's going on?
Did they transfer the
entire HoIIywood here?

What are you aII
doing here?

He doesn't know
where he is!

Army FiIm Unit...
And we just started TV!

The Staff-Sergeant!
What TV?
Good morning, sir.
Who are you?
Private PapadopouIos Ioannis,
Infantry, rifIeman!

-You're a cinematographer?

-Yes, what?
-Yes, sir!

-Report at inspection!
-Yes, sir!

-Your orders, sir!

-What are you doing here?
-I was on sentry duty, sir!

-To the kitchen!
-Yes, sir!

A new one...
You'II be happy here!

CeyIon tea! Come and get it!
Hungry bastards!

Come on, move it!
Caramazov, we're running out
of jam... Watch it!

-Hi, buddy!
-Piss off, sIob!

-We're hungry, aren't we?
-A IittIe...

A cigarette?
