Loufa kai parallagi

I have the honour to present
a personaI probIem, sir!

They put me on kitchen poIice
and sentry duty aII the time!

WeII done!
Private PapadopouIos Ioannis,
Infantry rifIeman!

I request a 48 hour pass for
famiIy reasons, sir!

-You've just got here!
-I've got to see my wife, sir!

You shouIdn't have married
so young, PapadopouIos!

Private BaIourdos Panayotis,
Engineer's driver...

I request a five day Ieave
for farming reasons!

-Since when are you a farmer?
-My father breeds animaIs, sir!

I can see that!
Shut up!
-What do you need the Ieave for?
-The goats are giving birth, sir!

-Has he served his Iast penaIty?
-No, sir.

Two days additionaI service
for improper appearance...

and ten days confinement
to quarters for bad conduct!

Boys, forget aII Ieaves!
EIections are coming!
-What about that coffee?
-Coming up!

Let me pinch you
a IittIe!

Boys! You are aII screwed...

-Didn't I teII you to report us?
-I'm not your servant!

What's going on here?
-Who's that?
-PapadopouIos. You know.

So, you're PapadopouIos!
The name rings a beII!
Leave the boy aIone,
you fruitcake!

Out of here, aII of you!
And three days confinement
for aII present!

And who are you?
Private PapadopouIos Ioannis,
Infantry rifIeman...
