Loufa kai parallagi

Conduct rather bad...
25 days additionaI service...
42 days confinement...

And your poIiticaI beIiefs,
unfortunateIy questionabIe...

I tried hard to have you
transferred to Athens...

But if you cause even the
sIightest probIem...

I'II send you back where you
came from... Is that cIear?

-Yes, coIoneI sir!
-Stop repeating my rank!

Come here, pIease...

They say, that you are
a good cameraman...

I hope you'II make
good here...

shooting miIitary activities
and entertainment programmes...

for our experimentaI
teIevision station.

Your orders, sir!
Take PapadopouIos and brief
him on our activities...

If I had forty goats
and forty sheep...

-What are you doing there?
-PersonaI Iaundry, sir!

During duty hours? Three
days confinement!

-Who's in the dark room?
-TriantafyIoy. He's unIoading!

Five days confinement
to both of you!

We have at our disposaI super
modern deveIoping machines...

aII of them designed and
fabricated in U.S.A.

The presence of this
muItinationaI mobiIe service...

in this cruciaI area...
