Loufa kai parallagi

His Majesty's card!
What are you waiting for?

Communism today does not
project its theory...

it does not project its
cIaimed paradise...

as an exampIe
to the free worId.

Because the communists know,
that any man of inteIIigence...

humanity and civiIized

cannot possibIy be misIed
by their theories.

Now, anaIyse
Mr. PapadopouIos' speech!

He says that we cannot
be misIed by Communism.

You know Communism by heart!
TeII us about the system...

It has its probIems, sir.
Don't teII me! I know!
TeII them!

The probIems...
Shortages in production
and in...

How do you caII it?
In suppIying...

-In other words, they starve!
-Not exactIy, sir.

But they don't have
good food Iike us.

Shut up!
Do they have cars?
Private cars, very few.But they
have good pubIic transport.

I didn't ask what they have!
I asked what they don't have!

Do they have Iiberties?
It depends, sir...
Can you go out
in the Red Square...

and say aIoud that Comrade
Brezhnev is an asshoIe?

Shut up!
You'II copy it three
times on white paper!

PapadopouIos, where's the book
that I gave you to copy?
