Police Academy

Come on, Hooks, get up!
Skip it! Go around! You won't make it.
Why don't you quit?

Quit, quit, quit! You'll never make it!
Sir, l'm terribly sorry,
but l seem to have ripped my pants.

Don't try me, punk.
Now, wise guy...
...you run, don't trot...
...to the supply room,
and you get a new pair.

Yes, sir. l'll be back later in the day.
Be back in five minutes!
Yes, sir. Shit, l'm deaf.
You got brown shoe-polish?
l've got cordovan. Who's it for?
Lieutenant Harris.
Sir! Look, sir, new pants.
Give me that!
You scumbags, you have 30 minutes
to shower and get to class.

Let's go! Move it!
Pick it up! Pick it up!
Pick it up, assholes!
So far, nobody's quit.
But they will.
