
Very old.
And this is
the Declaration of Independence.

Can you read that?
"We hold these truths
to be self-evident...

...that all men are created equal...
...that they are endowed
by their Creator...

...with certain inalienable rights...
...that among these
are life, liberty...

...and the pursuit of happiness.
That to secure these rights...
...governments are instituted
among men...

...deriving their just powers...
...from the consent of the governed."
Very interesting.
We're real proud of that.
What's the matter, you sick?
No, they closed the bookstore
to take inventory.

That looks good.
Can you make me one?

I thought you had a lunch.
I did, but it was for a Tibetan guy.
They served food
I didn't recognize.

The main course was still alive.
Oh, Coke.
See anyone famous?
Well, I sat next to a senator who put
his hand on my leg under the table.

- Which one?
- The right one.

No, which senator?
I don't know.
You had to appreciate his energy.

He ate with one hand,
copped a feel with the other.

Talking about fiscal irresponsibility
all at the same time.

You know what amazes me,
is how these guys...

...have time to run the country...
...when they're so busy going
to banquets and openings all the time.

I don't know how they do it.
But are you having any fun?
Oh, yeah, fun, God,
I'm having a great time.

I mean, it's really very interesting.
I'm making a lot of mistakes,
but they don't seem to mind.

- Wonder why that is?
- Maybe they just like you.
