Purple Rain

I heard through the grapevine
that you had a new tune written by...

...a couple of great girls.
Did you hear it?
I knew it. He didn't listen to it.
LISA: He probably dropped it
under his bike and rolled over it.

Wow. All right.
You think about this.
WENDY: I'll be honest with you.
I think you're being full of shit.
LISA: Forget it, Wendy.
Let's get out of here.
Every time we give you a song,
you say you'll use it, but you don't.

WENDY: You think we're going
behind your back.

WENDY: You're being paranoid as usual.
LISA: Wendy!

Shut up, Lisa! Please.
You should know by now
that we wouldn't hurt you.

WENDY: You should know by now
that we wouldn't put...

...a dark cloud over your head.
WENDY: It's just to make you feel good.
You've felt this way
with us before, remember?

"The nominees for best actress are..."
Fuck it, Wendy. Let's break.
PUPPET: Why should he do your music?
He's been doing fine without it.
Next thing you know,
you'll want to use his motorcycle.

You can really hurt people.
WENDY: Doesn't that mean
anything to you?

Doesn't that make you feel like shit?
LISA: Come on.
I'm so tired of this.
(Door slams)
You tired, too?
God got Wendy's periods reversed.
