Repo Man

Nobody knows where they go.
They just disappear.

But if you think about it,
you realize something:

There had to be a time when
there was no people, right? - Yeah.

Well, where
did all these people come from?

I'll tell you where: The future.
Where did all these
people disappear to?

The past? - That's right!
And how did they get there?

How the fuck do I know?
Flying saucers.
Which are really...
yeah you got it...
...time machines.

I think a lot about this stuff.
I do my best thinking on the bus.
That's how come I don't drive.

You don't even know how to drive.
I don't want to know how.

The more you drive,
the less intelligent you are.
I think I saw
one of those UFOs once.

It was really kind of scary, it was
all these colored lights and sounds.

Sounds and lights like I've never
heard before. It was really weird.

Bud? Do you think all repo men
follow the code?

Of course.
A lot of fucked up cars come in, but
mostly the customer's fucked them up.

I'll give 1000 dollars for his Falcon.
That's a bribe, Napoleon.
