
Let's go, or the bad luck
will fall on us.

Ladies and gentlemen. A new day
has begun, August 9th, 1991.

I urge you to remember this day,
as it will, no doubt,

go down in the history
of the human race.

And here is the man
who invented immortality,

the Nobel Laureate,
Professor Dr. Victor Kuppelweiser.

Welcome to our studio, Professor.
Immortality might be exaggerated,
what lve done is put an organism

in a state of anabiosis,
or hibernation.

Exactly. I would like to add
that the Professors last experiment,

freezing a chimp for six months,
was a complete success.

Excuse me, unfreezing.
Now, allow me introduce,
Mr. Albert Starski

- and Mr. Maximilian...

These two handsome and brave men
will soon be locked in containers,

not unlike 21 st century sarcophagi.
Excuse me! These are hibernators
and not sarcophagi.

Exactly. And in three years,
they will wake up as living proof

of the victory of the human mind
over nature.

What drew you to this
freezing experiment, gentlemen?

In a nutshell, responsibility.
As a biologist, I have the opportunity
to serve mankind.

I know these are big words,
but that's what I believe.

Thanks to hibernation,
people who are incurably sick,

will be able to live in times
in which they can be cured.

Our son is really famous, now.
Like Gagarin and such.

I've always been attracted to danger,
the unknown. Adventure.
