Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Yes, Genesis! How can you be deaf
with ears like that?

Genesis allowed is not!
It's planet forbidden!

Look, my backward friend. Genesis
may be planet forbidden, but I'm...

Sir, I'm sorry. You don't want to be
discussing this subject in public.

I'll discuss what I like!
And who in the hell are you?!

Would you like
a ride home, Dr McCoy?.

If I wanted a ride home, would I
be trying to charter a space flight?

How in the hell
do you know who I am?

Federation Security, sir.
You're gonna get
a nice long rest, Doctor.

Saavik to Grissom. We are definitely
reading a second lifeform.

We concur.
Proceed with caution, Saavik.

What the hell is going on down there?
Be quick, Admiral. They're moving
him to the Federation 'Funny Farm'.

Yes, poor friend.
I hear he's fruity as a nutcake.

Two minutes.
- How many fingers do I have up?
- That's not very damn funny.

- Your sense of humour has returned.
- The hell it has. What's that?

- Lexorin.
- Lexorin? What for?.

You're suffering from
a Vulcan mind-meld, Doctor.

That green-blooded son-of-a-bitch.
