Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

- What course, please, Admiral?
- Mr Scott?

I'd be grateful, Admiral,
if you'd give the word.

Gentlemen... May the wind be
at our backs. Stations, please.

- Engage auto systems.
- Aye. Engaged.

- Clear all moorings.
- Cleared, sir.

- One quarter impulse power.
- One quarter impulse.

Commander, Starfleet,
on emergency channel.

He orders you
to surrender this vessel.

No reply, Chekov.
Steady as she goes, Sulu.

Yellow Alert.
Captain to the bridge.

This is the Captain. How can you have
a Yellow Alert in spacedock?.

Sir, someone is stealing
the Enterprise.

I'm on my way.
Yello wAlert.
All stations, Yellow Alert.

Yellow Alert.
All stations, Yellow Alert.

One minute to spacedoors.
- Are you gonna walk through them?
- Calm yourself.

Sir. Excelsior powering up
with orders to pursue.

Yellow Alert.
All automates ready and functioning.
Automatic moorings retracted.

All speeds available
through Transwarp Drive.

Incredible machine.
Helm. One quarter impulse power.
