Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Here, Doctor, souvenirs
from one surgeon to another.

I took them out of
her main Transwarp computer drive.

- Nice of you to tell me in advance.
- You missed the staff meeting.

Your work today
has been outstanding.

I will recommend you all
for promotion...

:45:19 whatever fleet we end up
serving. Best speed to Genesis.

I am Saavik. Can you speak?.
The Genesis Wave. His cells
could have been regenerated.

Captain, this is Saavik.
Come in, please.

- Yes, Saavik, go ahead.
- We have found the life sign.

It is a Vulcan child, perhaps eight
to ten Earth years of age.

- A child?! How did he get there?
- lt is Dr Marcus' opinion that...
