The Gods Must Be Crazy

It looks like a paradise, but it is the
most treacherous desert in the world:

The Kalahari.
After the short rainy season...

...there are many water holes,
and even rivers.

But after a few weeks, the water sinks
away into the deep Kalahari sand.

The water holes dry,
and the rivers stop flowing.

The grass fades to a beautiful
blond colour...

...that offers excellent grazing.
But for the next nine months,
there'll be no water to drink.

So most of the animals move away,
leaving the blond grass uneaten.

Humans avoid the Kalahari like the
plague because man must have water.

So the beautiful landscapes
are devoid of people.

Except for the little people
of the Kalahari.

Pretty, dainty, small and graceful,
the Bushmen.

Where any other person
would die of thirst in a few days...

...they live quite contentedly
in this desert.

They know where to dig for roots
and bugs and tubers...

...and which berries and pods
are good to eat.

Of course they know what to do
about water.

In the early morning,
you can collect dewdrops...
