The Gods Must Be Crazy

They're very gentle people.
They'll never punish a child
or even speak harshly to it.

So the kids are extremely well-behaved.
Their games are cute and inventive.

When the family needs meat...
...the hunter dips his arrow
in a brew that acts as a tranquilliser.

When he shoots a buck, it feels
a sting and the arrow drops out.

The buck runs away,
but soon it gets drowsy...

...and it stops running.
After a while, it goes to sleep.
The hunter apologizes. He explains
that his family needs the meat.

The characteristic which really makes
them different from all other races...

:05:00 that they have
no sense of ownership at all.

Where they live,
there's nothing you can own.

Only trees and grass and animals.
These Bushmen have never seen
a stone or a rock in their lives.

The hardest things they know
are wood and bone.

They live in a gentle world, where nothing
is as hard as rock, steel or concrete.

Only 600 miles to the south,
there's a vast city.

And here you find civilized man.
Civilized man refused
to adapt himself to his environment.
