The Gods Must Be Crazy

I've got a good story
about handicapped children.

Handicapped children? No! You don't
recommend stuff you don't....

Sorry. I'll only print sweetness and light,
even if it bores the pants off them.

10:30 means you can stop looking
busy for 15 minutes.

And then,
you have to look busy again.

-Hi, Kate.
-Hi, Pete.

Can you use this about the
teacher shortage in Botswana?

-Good story?

They'll take anybody
who can read and write.

I don't know. I got bawled out
for writing a story on mugging.

My page should be sweet and light,
like Liberace and Jackie Onassis.

Your day is chopped into pieces.
In each segment of time...

:07:51 adapt to new circumstances.
-May I share a table?

No wonder some people go
off the rails a bit.

Does the noise in my head
bother you?

Still got that story about
the teacher shortage in Botswana?

-Yeah. You gonna use it?
-No. Maybe they can use me.

In the Kalahari, it's always Tuesday,
or Thursday if you like. Or Sunday.

No clocks or calendars tell you
to do this or that.

Lately, strange new things
sometimes appeared in the sky.

Noisy birds that flew
without flapping their wings.

One day, something fell from the sky.
