The Gods Must Be Crazy

Other new things came.
Anger, jealousy, hate and violence.

Xi was angry with the gods.
He shouted, "Take back your thing!
We don't want it!

Look at the trouble it brought. "
The gods did not take it back.
He shouted, "You must be crazy
to send us this thing! Take it back!"

Then he shouted,
"Look out! Look out!"

But he spoke too late and
the thing felled his daughter Dani.

Xi carried the thing away
from the shelter and buried it.

That evening, there was no laughter
and no chatter around the family fire.

A strange feeling of shame
had come over the family...

...and they were very quiet.
Xi said, "I have buried the thing.
It will not make us unhappy again. "

That night, a hyena smelled the blood
on the thing, and dug it up.
