The Gods Must Be Crazy

That morning, Xi saw the ugliest
person he'd ever come across.

She was as pale as something
that had crawled out of a rotting log.

Her hair was quite gruesome...
...long and stringy and white,
as if she was very old.

She was very big.
You'd have to dig the whole day
to find enough food to feed her.

Go away.
Although it was a hot day,
she was wearing skins...

...that looked as if they
were made from cobwebs.

She was doing strange
and magical things.

It struck him that she must be
one of the gods.

He wondered what she
was doing on earth.

He was glad he met her.
He'd give her the evil thing...

...and go home to his family.
He said tactfully that he didn't need
the thing, and she could have it back.

But she was very rude,
and she walked away.

-That's a Bushman. How'd he get here?
-I don't know. He's rude.

There was another god.
He had a fire inside him.

The smoke came out
through his mouth and nostrils.

Xi said politely, "It was kind of you
to send us this thing...

...but it made my family unhappy.
Please take it. "

Sorry, no

Where's the truck?
