The Killing Fields

Shut the fucking blinds, will you?
What's all this shit?
I'm sorry.
I thought you were the houseboy.
I was developing some film.

If you're gonna yell, I'll come back.
I'm not feeling good.

Don't want to yell.
I want to be in a good mood.

The plane was late, no car.
I had to take a taxi here.

All I want to do is work.
I got you.

What the fuck is that on your head?
It's a sanitary napkin.
I had it soaked in ice.

Syd Schanberg.
Is Pran there?

No, I just came from the airport.
Well, if he comes in,
would you tell him I'm here?

I'll be at the Café Central, tell him.
Thanks a lot.
What do you want to eat?
Want some eggs?
I can't. Somebody told me they faint
with fright when you cook them.

- What do you want to eat?
- What are you having?

I'm having a café complet.
I'll have that. And some aspirin.
Anything I eat has got to be
absolutely dead.
