The Killing Fields

How many?
I hear it's in the hundreds.
Don't quote me on that.

Will there be a dreadful bloodbath
When the Khmer Rouge hit the town?
Will there be a dreadful bloodbath...?
Beer! We haven't had this
for four weeks.

New York Times probably
had it flown in.

- They keep it in their suite.
- We got a cellar. Don't you know?

Americans take themselves so seriously.
Don't be hard on the man. He's just
trying to get to the top of the heap.

We'll just have to pay more to get
our telexes to the top of the heap.

The man has just bought you a beer.
Now drink up.

- Cheers.
- Cheers, Syd.

- Enjoy it.
- Off to see the telex operator?

- New York Times goes to bed early.
- Sure!

Khmer Rouge in the sunset
The Yanks all at sea...
- All right?
- Very possible.

Let's go then!
This is good work.
- How much?
- Hundred fifty.

One hundred!
