The Last Starfighter

- I guess.
- Hey!
- What are you doing?
- Listen. Centauri wants to keep it for a surprise.

Trust me. Oh, ho-ho-ho,
you're gonna love it. Love it!

The amusing thing about this: It's all a big mistake.
That particular Starfighter game was
supposed to be delivered to Vegas...

not some flea-speck trailer park in the
middle of tumbleweeds and tarantulas.

So it must be fate, destiny...
blind chance, luck even, that brings us together.
And as the poet says, "The rest is history."
Where are you going?
Where are you taking me?

I told you.
I wanna save it for a surprise.

Hey. Are you the kind of kid who reads
the last page of a mystery first?

Who pesters the magician to tell you his tricks?
Who sneaks downstairs to peek
at his Christmas presents?

No. Of course you're not!
That's why
~ I'm not gonna tell you ~

Oh, God.
Besides, I just love surprises, don't you?
Hey, look out!
- Stop! - Oh, dear!
- Hit the brakes!

Ohhh, sh--
