This Is Spinal Tap

- You can just hold it...
- So you don't...

You can go and have a bite
and you'd still be hearing that one.

- Can you hold this a sec?
- Sure.

This one... This, of course,
is a custom three pick-up.

This is my radio unit.
So I strap this piece on
right down in here when I'm onstage.

- It's a wireless.
- Wireless. Exactly.

- I can play without all the muck.
- You can run anywhere onstage with it.

This is special, too. Look, see?
It's still got the tagger on it.
Never even played it.

- You just bought it...
- Don't touch it.

I wasn't gonna touch it.
- I was just pointing at it.
- Don't point.

- Don't even point?
- No. It can't be played. Never.

- Can I look at it?
- No. You've seen enough.

This is what we use onstage.
But it's very, very special
because, if you can see,

the numbers all go to 11.
Look. Right across the board.
11... 11... 11...

- And most amps go up to ten?
- Exactly.

- Does that mean it's louder?
- Well, it's one louder, isn't it?

It's not ten. See, most blokes
are gonna be playing at ten.

You're on ten here,
all the way up, all the way up.

You're on ten-where can you go
from there? Where?

- I don't know.
- Nowhere. Exactly!

If we need that extra push over the cliff,
you know what we do?

- Put it up to 11.
- Exactly. One louder.

Why don't you make ten louder,
make ten the top number,

and make that a little louder?
These go to 11.
Are you Spinal Tap?
- This is Spinal Tap.
- Welcome to Memphis.

- Gentlemen, we have a slight problem.
- How slight?

- You wanted seven suites.
- Seven suites.

He's put you on
the 7th floor with one suite.

That's considerably more than minor.
But it's a good-sized room.
It's a king leisure.

How are we going to get 14 people
in a king leisure bed?

- Don't tempt me, sir.
- Have a good time.
