Top Secret!

There it is.
It's a Swedish book store.

May I help you?
My father is Dr. Paul Flammond
I'm sorry. I don't know a Dr. Flammond.
He told me you may have a book of
Swedish poems by Von Brieson.

So you are Hillary Flammond!
What can I do for you?
We must speak with "The Torch".
That will be very difficult.
But I will try to arrange it.
Can we leave tonight?
It is too dangerous to travel at night.
You will be taken in the morning
to a potato farm.

Where can we stay tonight?
There is a loft upstairs.
You can use that fire pole.
That's OK. Don't feel bad.
It happens to lots of men the first time.

Just relax. I'll pour you a drink.
We can always try again
in a couple of hours,

she said, as she laid down beside him
and caressed his chest.

Can you believe they print this trash?
Don't worry about it. You were going
to tell me something about your childhood.
