Top Secret!

Forget it. It'll be better for everyone
if we just forget what's happened.

We've arranged for your safe
transportation across the border tonight.

It's the least we can do
to show our gratitude.

Come, my darling, let me show you
what I've done to the fallout shelter.

Do not take it so hard, Nick.
Life is filled with its little miseries.
Each of us, in his own way,
must learn to deal with adversity

in a mature and adult fashion.
- Mind if I have a swig of this?
- Go right ahead.

- What the hell is this stuff?
- Gasoline.

Don't worry, my darling.
I'm sure your friend will get over it.

He seems a good chap, really.
How wonderful you've returned to me,
when I desperately need you
by my side, to fight for the cause...

- Our cause.
- Oh, Nigel, I am proud of you.

But I'm so confused.
All these years I thought you were dead.

And by all rights I should be.
I floated at sea for days,
nearly unconscious.

Then as luck would have it,
I was picked up by a passing freighter.

I tried to get them to save you too.
It was a foreign ship
and they didn't understand English.

I yelled and screamed, but it only
seemed to excite them all the more.

They took advantage of me
in ways I cannot describe.

Oh, Nigel, it must have been awful.
- What did you find out, Latrine?
- Where are the others?
