Top Secret!

We're running out of time.
The plane will not wait for us.

We'll have to make a break for it.
Rendezvous at the cafe
near the landing field.

Nice shooting.
My man!
Good. Now everybody's accounted for.
Here's the plan.
We'll be taking off at 1 :00 am.

What about the American?
A truck will be here
at exactly midnight.

He'll jump on the back
and be driven on to the border.

Wait. Nick is the only one
who knows the inside of that prison.

Well, Monsieur Rivers,
it seems that you have become,

how do you say, indispensable?
That's what I thought.
Sorry, fellas. I've done my time
in Flurgendorf prison.

I got a truck to meet.
Nick, ask any price you want,
but you must help us.

Seems as long as I know my way
around that prison, I'll never be lonely.

I know how you feel about me.
But put your feelings aside
for something more important.

Like what a great cause
you and Nigel are fighting for?
